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Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno s.r.o., Česká republika, 2022

D2.3 Přesun SA (Surface Analysis) - zpracování projektové dokumentace, realizace, inženýrská, koordinační a kompletační činnost, zprovoznění, zaregulování, Validace čistých prostor, vypracování dokumentace skutečného provedení stavby, provádění záručního servisu.

Automotive Lighting s.r.o., Česká republika, 2020

Nová čistá zóna pro Automotive Lighting s.r.o.

Kayaku Safety Systems Europe a.s., Czech Republic, 2019

Production Building No. 10: implementation of HVAC, heat source and distribution mains, cold source and distribution mains, etc.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2019

D2.3 Laboratory Building: the project involved built-in clean rooms in the ISO 7 and ISO 8 Cleanliness Class pursuant to ČSN EN ISO 14 644.

Kayaku Safety Systems Europe a.s., Czech Republic, 2019

Production Bulding No. 163: Parts of this delivery were: Air-conditioning of explosion-proof boxes, cooling of rooms with dryers, and HVAC for technology support systems.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Brno s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2019

D2.3 Building – Administrative Rooms on the 1st Floor: technological mains of media, HVAC, air-conditioning of offices and laboratories, etc.

FEI Czech Republic s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2018

Thermo Fisher – Expanding of Production Capacities: design, realisation.

ON Semiconductor Czech Republic, s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2018

New source of cold for buildings M1, M8, M10.

Schott, Germany, 2017

Manufacturing, delivery, and implementation of cleanrooms.

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