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Bioveta a.s., Czech Republic, 2018

Virology Department on the 2nd Storey Above Ground of The Bioveta Novelty Hall (BNH).

Bioveta, a.s.; Czech Republic, 2018

Virology Department on the 2nd Storey Above Ground of The Bioveta Novelty Hall (BNH). Laboratories.

Bioveta, a.s.; Czech Republic, 2018

Vaccine Research & Development Center (BNH – Bioveta Novelty Hall). Laboratories.

Bioveta a.s., Czech Republic, 2018

BSH - Bioveta Serum Hall: refurbishment, completion, and superstructure implementation of the building.

Bioveta a.s., Czech Republic, 2018

Vaccine Research & Development Center (BNH – Bioveta Novelty Hall). Turnkey implementation.

Bioveta, a.s.; Czech Republic, 2018

BSH – Bioveta Serum Hall. Laboratories.

Mölnlycke Health Care Klinipro, s.r.o., Česká republika, 2017

FARMAK, Ukraine, 2016

Reconstruction of Farmak Pharmaceutical Plant.

InterChem, Ukraine, 2015

Construction of a Facility for the Production of Substances, GLS Production and Administrative Laboratory Complex. Complete implementation on a turnkey basis.

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